28 November 2010

Cara Menyusui Yang Kurang Tepat Menghambat Proses Menyusui

Pada dasarnya semua ibu mampu menyusui, tetapi cara menyusui yang kurang tepat dan beban pikiran sedikit saja dapat menghambat proses menyusui.

1. Mempersiapkan mental
Faktor mental sangat berpengaruh pada produksi Air Susu Ibu. Kerja hormon oksitosin yang betugas memberi rangsangan bagi pengaliran Air Susu Ibu akan terhambat saat ibu stres. Berpikirlah positif bahwa Air Susu Ibu yang akan diberikan pasti cukup untuk sang buah hati, sehingga kerja hormon aksitoksin menjadi optimal.

14 November 2010

The Concept of Environmental Health

A belief that Compleks against an object, object, event or phenomenon based on experiences and perceptions of a person of ideas, views or beliefs. Collection of some concept = concept of a model or framework

09 November 2010

Asuhan Keperawatan Klien Anak Dengan Thipoid

Asuhan Keperawatan Klien Anak Dengan Thipoid
A. Definisi
1. Tipoid adalah penyakit infeksi akut yang menyerang usus halus dan Menimbulkan gejala-gejala sistemik.Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh salmonella tifosa,paratifi A,B dan C. ( Standar asuhan keperawatan pasien anak;tifoid;seri III P.K.keperawatan St Carolus Jakarta;2002;hal 1 )
2. Tifus abdominalis ( demam tifoid ) adalah penyakit infeksi akut yang Biasanya mengenai saluran cerna dengan gejala demam lebih dari 7 hari Gangguan pada saluran cerna,dan gangguan kesadaran. ( Kapita selecta kedokteran;edisi 3;media Aesculapius FKUI;2000;423 )

B. Etiologi
Salmonella tifosa,Basil gram negatif,bergerak dengan rambut getar, Tidak berspora,mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya 3 antigen yaitu: Antigen O (Somatik,tidur dari zat kompleks lippopolisakarida ) antigen H ( Flagela ) 3 Antigen Vi.Dalam serum penderita terdapat zat anti ( Aglutinin ) terhadap ketiga macam antigen tersebut. ( Standar asuhan keperawatan anak; Typoid;seri III7;PK Keperawatan St Carolus;Jakarta;2002 1 )

04 November 2010

Nutrisi Yang Di Butuhkan Balita

Di usia balita, anak membutuhkan nutrisi yang tepat dan seimbang. Karena di usia inilah tubuh dan otaknya berkembang secara pesat. Usia balita adalah usia-usia yang sangat kritis dan karenanya nutrisi yang Anda berikan pada si Kecil perlu Anda perhatikan secara seksama.

03 November 2010

Anatomi Lidah

Pada mamalia dan vertebrata yang lain, pada lidahnya terdapat reseptor untuk rasa. Reseptor ini peka terhadap stimulus dari zat-zat kimia, sehingga disebut kemoreseptor. Reseptor tersebut adalah kuncup-kuncup pengecap. Kuncup tersebut berbentuk seperti bawang kecil atau piala dan terletak dipermukaan epitelium pada permukaan atas lidah. Kadang juga dijumpai pada langit-langit rongga mulut, faring dan laring, walaupun sedikit sekali.

Sistem Pertahanan Tubuh

Tuhan menciptakan setiap makhluk hidup dengan kemampuan untuk mempertahankan diri terhadap ancaman dari luar dirinya. Salah satu ancaman terhadap manusia adalah penyakit, terutama penyakit infeksi yang dibawa oleh berbagai macam mikroba seperti virus, bakteri, parasit, jamur. Tubuh mempunyai cara dan alat untuk mengatasi penyakit sampai batas tertentu. Beberapa jenis penyakit seperti pilek, batuk, dan cacar air dapat sembuh sendiri tanpa pengobatan.

Cara Melangsikan Tubuh

Ada banyak cara menurunkan berat badan, mulai dari bermacam metode diet, olahraga, operasi sedot lemak, tusuk jarum, sampai minum obat pelangsing. Manakah yang aman dan efektif ?

Merujuk pada badan kesehatan dunia, WHO, disebutkan bahwa penurunan berat badan yang baik tidak dapat dilakukan secara instan, tetapi merupakan terapi jangka panjang. Yang dibutuhkan untuk mengurangi berat badan bukan sekadar mengurangi porsi makan, tetapi juga diperlukan bimbingan dari ahli gizi sebelum melakukan perubahan pola makan, disertai aktivitas fisik serta terapi perilaku.

02 November 2010

Hipertensi / Darah Tinggi

Apakah penyakit darah tinggi (hipertensi) itu ?
Penyakit hipertensi itu adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan peningkatan tekanan darah lebih dari atau sama dengan 140 / 90 mmHg, pada tiga kali pengukuran dalam kesempatan yang berbeda.

The Danger Behind The Plates

Tableware made of melamine on one side has many advantages, among others:
- Design a diverse and interesting color
- More light, strong, and not easily broken
- Prices are relatively cheap compared to eating utensils made of ceramics
However, on the other hand melamine too dangerous for your health

31 October 2010

Keunggulan Asi Dan Manfaat Menyusui

Keunggulan dan manfaat menyusui dapat dilihat dari beberapa aspek yaitu: aspek gizi, aspek imunologik, aspek psikologi, aspek kecerdasan, neurologis, ekonomis dan aspek penundaan kehamilan.

Jangan Abaikan Kesehatan Lingkungan

KAJIAN tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup terhadap kondisi kesehatan lingkungan belum banyak dilakukan. Kebanyakan kajian dilakukan mengenai implikasi ini terhadap migas dan sumber daya alam (kajian ekonomi sumber daya) dan kajian ilmu lingkungan itu sendiri.

28 October 2010

Balanced Nutrition For Pregnant Woman

NEEDS nutrients increased during PREGNANT. However, not all nutrient requirements increase proportionately. Example: nutritional needs during pregnancy triples, while demand increased by 10% Vitamin B12

27 October 2010

How to Treat Allergic Disease In Children

Learn about the symptoms, causes and treatment of allergies in children, including the suspect when coughing, sneezing or runny nose may be more than the cold. Spring and summer months bring with them not only warm temperatures and beautiful flowers, but they often invite seasonal allergies into millions of American life.

22 October 2010


Health is a prosperous state of body, soul, and the social that allows every person to live a socially and economically productive. Health care is an effort to combating and prevention of health problems that require examination, treatment and / or treatment, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Recognize the Signs of Labor

Although the birth process is different on every woman but the signs of labor are the same. By knowing the signs of labor you will understand when it is appropriate to go to the hospital and what can be done if the signs are there in your labor.

19 October 2010

Definition Epidemiology

1. Origin said:
Epi: on, above, superficial, overwrite
Demo: population, human, people
Ology: the science of learning
2. Epidemiology is the science which studies the things that befall humans.
3. Epidemiology is the science that studies the distribution and frequency of disease in populations and faktor-

Medical Anthropology

Medical anthropology is a discipline that gives attention to aspects of biological and socio-culture of human behavior, especially about the ways of interaction between the two throughout the history of human life, which affect health and disease in humans.

Parasitic Worms Reduce Child Intelligence

Worms is a contagious disease and is often considered a disease or illness grubby lower socioeconomic groups. Disease caused by a humid tropical climate, high population density, poor sanitation, excreta used as fertilizer in the garden, soil conditions, and lack of public knowledge was found to reduce children's intelligence.

Worms Disease

Do you know what percentage of children in Indonesia who became ill worms? Apparently 90% of children in Indonesia suffer from intestinal worms. Worm disease is often considered a trivial disease, however, the impact this disease can be fatal especially if the affected are children who are small and vulnerable to disease.

18 October 2010

Asthma Disease

Asthma is a disease marked hypersensitivity trakeabronkial branches of various types of stimuli these circumstances lead to narrowing of airways due to periodic and reversible bronchospasm (brokus disease)

Epilepsy Papers


 A. Background

Epilepsy is defined as a syndrome characterized by impaired brain function are temporary and paroxysmal, which gives the manifestation of disorder, or loss of consciousness, impaired motor, sensory, psychological, and autonomous systems, and is episodic. Cognitive memory deficits are a problem most often occurs in pederita epilepsy.

How to Cope with Epilepsy Disease Symptoms

What is epilepsy? What causes epilepsy? definition of epilepsy? and how to overcome the symptoms of epilepsy itself.

Epilepsy, derived from the Greek (Epilepsia), which means 'attack'. Please note, epilepsy is not contagious, not a hereditary disease, and not identical with the people who experience mental ketebelakangan. In fact, many people with epilepsy who suffer from epilepsy without a known cause.

Definition of Allergy

Allergy refers to the exaggerated reaction by our immune system in response to body contact with certain foreign substances. Exaggerated because these foreign substances are generally regarded by the body as sessuatu that does not harm and does not occur in response to people who are not allergic. The bodies of people who are allergic to recognize foreign material and part of the immune system is activated. Allergy ingredients called "allergens." Examples of allergens include pollen, dust mites, molds, and foods. To understand the language of allergy is very important to remember that allergens are substances foreign to the body and can cause allergic reactions in certain people.

Allergy Causes

To help answer this question, let us look at some examples of common household. A few months after the arrival of a cat in the house, the father started getting the itchy eyes and sneezing episodes of. One in three children developed a cough and wheezing, especially when the cat into the bedroom. Mother and two other children did not experience any reaction to the presence of cats. How do we explain this?


Allergic Eczema
Allergic eczema (atopic dermatitis) is generally not an allergic rash caused by skin contact with allergens. This condition is commonly associated with allergic rhinitis or asthma and highlight the following symptoms:

* Itching, redness, and or dryness of skin
* Rash (Rash) in advance, especially children
* A rash around the eyes, in the folds of elbows, and behind the knees, especially in children and older adults

ALLERGIES, Who's at Risk and Why?

Allergies can develop at any age, possibly even in the womb. They generally occur in children but could possibly cause the symptoms for the first time in adulthood. Asthma may last long in adults while nasal allergies tend to diminish in old age.

High Blood Disease or Hypertension

"Beware of High Blood Diseases In The you without your awareness, recognize the symptoms and causes as early as possible!". High Blood disease or hypertension, is one of the most devastating killer disease in the world today.

System Model Imogene M King

King model of nursing theory to understand the concept model of nursing theory by using an open system in constant interaction with the environment, so the King put forward the concept of work that includes a system of personal, interpersonal systems and social systems that are interconnected to one another.

13 October 2010

Huknah Low

A. Definition
Insert a warm liquid through the anus to the colon using a cannula rekti desenden.

B. Goal
1. Stimulates intestinal peristalsis, so the patient can defecate
2. Emptying the colon in preparation for surgery
3. As measures of treatment

Cell Biology, Cell Structure and Function


Tues fundamental for the biological sciences. All organisms consist of cells. Cells are the unit structure and unit functions in biological systems. Cell as a unit structure, as all systems were prepared by cell biology. While the cell as a functional unit, because all life events that show the characteristic of life going on inside the cell. The living cell is a miniature chemical industry, where thousands of reactions going on inside a room that is microscopic cells.


Cancer is a disease characterized by cell disruption or failure of regulatory mechanisms of multiplication and other homeostatic functions in multicellular organisms.


Assessment of infant at birth is to determine the degree of vitality of the body functions. The degree of vitality is the ability of a number of bodily functions that are essential and complex for infant survival, such as breathing, heart rate, blood circulation and reflexes, primitive reflexes such as sucking and looking nipple. If not handled properly, quickly and correctly the baby's general condition will deteriorate rapidly and may even die. In some infants may be able to recover spontaneously within 10-30 minutes after birth but the baby still has a high risk for disability.

Hypothermia and Hyperthermia

Normal temperature in neonates ranges from 360C - 37.50 C in the armpit temperature. Early symptoms of hypothermia when the temperature <360C or both legs and hands felt cold. When the baby's entire body felt cold, then the baby was already experiencing hypothermia (temperature 320C - <360C).


Hyperbilirubinemia is excessive accumulation of bilirubin in the blood (normal levels of 5 mg / dl in normal babies) that cause jaundice, yellow color is clearly visible on the skin, mucosa, sclera and urine.

High-Risk Neonatal

Newborns or neonates includes ages 0-28 days. Life in the neonatal period is extremely vulnerable due to physiological adjustments needed for babies outside the womb to live as well as possible.
Neonatal period: 0-28 days
- Early neonatal period: 0-7 days
- Advanced neonatal period: 8-28 days

According to Peplau Nursing Model

Peplau Theory
Model concepts and nursing theory described by Peplau describes the ability to understand ourselves and others who use the basic human relationships which includes four central components of the client, nurse, anxiety problems that occur due to illness (the source of difficulty), and interpersonal processes.

Nutritional Problems In Pregnant Women, Nursing Mothers, Infants, Toddlers and Teenagers

Nutrition Problems
• The problem of malnutrition is generally caused by poverty, lack of food supplies, lack of environmental quality (sanitation), lack of knowledge of nutrition, a balanced diet and health and nutrition of poor areas (iodine)
• At this time face the problem of double nutrient malnutrition problem and the problem of over nutrition.
• more Nutritional problems caused by economic progress in a particular society is accompanied by lack of knowledge about nutrition, a balanced diet and health.

Reading the ECG (Electrocardiogram)

How to read an EKG
1. Determine rhythm: Sinus / no
2. Determine the frequency / speed: Normal tachikardi / bradycardia
3. Determine the axis: Normal / RAD / LAD
4. Value of P waves: Normal / no
5. Calculate PR interval: Normal / elongated / shortened

Acute Gastritis and Chronic Disease

Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa found in the form of dispepsi and indigesti.

Gastritis is divided into two:
1. Acute gastritis
It is obvious acute clinical disorder caused by the typical signs and symptoms.

WHO Partograph

Graph of the events during the course of labor by hours
Observations are recorded on partograph

Progress delivery
a. The opening of the cervix
b. Get off the head of abdominal palpation
c. HIS Frequency / 10 minutes Long: at hatching

Definition of Adolescent Reproductive Health

Teenagers are defined as the transition from childhood to adulthood. Teen age limit according to WHO (the UN agency for global health) is 12 to 24 years. However if in the teenage years a person is married, he was classified in the adult or is no longer a teenager. Conversely, if the age is no longer a teenager but still dependent on parents (not independent), then put in groups of adolescents.

12 October 2010

Cardiovascular Anatomy, Anatomy of the Heart

The heart is located in the mediastinum in the chest cavity, between the two lungs and a cone shape, with the following limits
- Base: 2 cm from strnum costae 3rd right, 1 cm from the sternum costae kke-2 left
- Apex: 4 cm from the sternum intercostae the 5th left

Respiratory System

nasal cavity (Kovum Rice). Nose hole (Nares) septum that divides the two (septum Rice). Inside the bones bordering the nose there are rooms called Sinus. Frontal sinuses in the forehead bone, maxillary sinus in cartilage, bone sinus etmoidalis in strainer, Sinus Sfenoidalis in the bone wedge.

Environmental Concept

A belief in the Compleks against an object, object, event or phenomenon based on experiences and perceptions of a person of ideas, views or beliefs. Collection of some concept = concept of a model or framework.

Urinary system

Consisting of:
- Kidney (Ren) right and left
- Right and left ureter
- Bladder (vesika urinaria)
- Urethra.

Lymph Circulation System

Blood> left ventricle> aorta branches dngn> throughout the body to maintain & feed the tissue cells. Blood fluid through capillary walls in and wet the tissue cells = Fluid Between Tues The fluid between cells have been used up a lot of the remnants of metabolism in the transport through the blood vessel system, the rest are transported by the circulatory system of a certain = lymph circulatory system, the fluid in the transport = Lymph Fluid.

Family Grouping

1. Pre families: Families who can not meet the minimum basic needs of the needs of teaching religion / food / clothing / board / health or family who can not meet one or more indicators prosperous family stage I.

Concept Of Health-Illness


In the past, most individuals and society looked healthy and sick as anything Black or White. Where health is a condition the opposite of the disease or condition that is free of disease. Simple assumption or attitude can certainly be applied easily, but ignore the existence of a range of healthy-sick.
The approach used in the 21st century, healthy viewed with a broader perspective. The wide aspect includes the sense of having power, relationships of affection, the spirit of life, strong social support network, a sense of meaning in life, or a certain degree of independence (Haber, 1994).