21 July 2011

Pharynx and esophagus, Tools Digestion In Humans

Pharynx lies behind the nose, mouth and throat. A channel with a length of about 7 cm.

Pharynx consists of 3 parts, namely:
- Naso pharynx, located behind the nose where there is tubal eustachius, adenoid gland.
- Pharynx oralis, located on the back of the mouth, there Tonil (tonsils)
- Laryngeal pharynx, the lowest part of the pharynx which is located in the larynx.

Oesophagus (Esophagus)
Esophagus is a tubular-Semitic tract that connects the pharynx to the stomach (gastric). Food that has been digested in the mouth goes into the esophagus through the process of swallowing (deglitasi).

Histologically, the esophagus consists of four layers, namely:
a. Tunica mucosa
b. Submucosal tunica
c. Tunica muscularis
d. Adventisia tunica (tunica elastika)

Tunica mucosa tunica mucus.pada ubmukosa produce, there are collagen and elastic connective tissue, blood and nerve ends kalpiler. The tunica muscularis containing smooth muscle and connective tissue. Esophagus has a ring of cartilage, food substances can pass through the esophagus because of the peristaltic motion. Peristaltic motion is motion-squeezing and undulating mermas did not realize that food tedorong into the stomach. At the boundary between esogagus with gastric tedpat sfinger esophagi (sphincter esophagi) which befungsi arrange for food that has been entered into the stomach did not go back into the esophagus.

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