13 October 2010

Huknah Low

A. Definition
Insert a warm liquid through the anus to the colon using a cannula rekti desenden.

B. Goal
1. Stimulates intestinal peristalsis, so the patient can defecate
2. Emptying the colon in preparation for surgery
3. As measures of treatment

Cell Biology, Cell Structure and Function


Tues fundamental for the biological sciences. All organisms consist of cells. Cells are the unit structure and unit functions in biological systems. Cell as a unit structure, as all systems were prepared by cell biology. While the cell as a functional unit, because all life events that show the characteristic of life going on inside the cell. The living cell is a miniature chemical industry, where thousands of reactions going on inside a room that is microscopic cells.


Cancer is a disease characterized by cell disruption or failure of regulatory mechanisms of multiplication and other homeostatic functions in multicellular organisms.


Assessment of infant at birth is to determine the degree of vitality of the body functions. The degree of vitality is the ability of a number of bodily functions that are essential and complex for infant survival, such as breathing, heart rate, blood circulation and reflexes, primitive reflexes such as sucking and looking nipple. If not handled properly, quickly and correctly the baby's general condition will deteriorate rapidly and may even die. In some infants may be able to recover spontaneously within 10-30 minutes after birth but the baby still has a high risk for disability.

Hypothermia and Hyperthermia

Normal temperature in neonates ranges from 360C - 37.50 C in the armpit temperature. Early symptoms of hypothermia when the temperature <360C or both legs and hands felt cold. When the baby's entire body felt cold, then the baby was already experiencing hypothermia (temperature 320C - <360C).


Hyperbilirubinemia is excessive accumulation of bilirubin in the blood (normal levels of 5 mg / dl in normal babies) that cause jaundice, yellow color is clearly visible on the skin, mucosa, sclera and urine.

High-Risk Neonatal

Newborns or neonates includes ages 0-28 days. Life in the neonatal period is extremely vulnerable due to physiological adjustments needed for babies outside the womb to live as well as possible.
Neonatal period: 0-28 days
- Early neonatal period: 0-7 days
- Advanced neonatal period: 8-28 days

According to Peplau Nursing Model

Peplau Theory
Model concepts and nursing theory described by Peplau describes the ability to understand ourselves and others who use the basic human relationships which includes four central components of the client, nurse, anxiety problems that occur due to illness (the source of difficulty), and interpersonal processes.

Nutritional Problems In Pregnant Women, Nursing Mothers, Infants, Toddlers and Teenagers

Nutrition Problems
• The problem of malnutrition is generally caused by poverty, lack of food supplies, lack of environmental quality (sanitation), lack of knowledge of nutrition, a balanced diet and health and nutrition of poor areas (iodine)
• At this time face the problem of double nutrient malnutrition problem and the problem of over nutrition.
• more Nutritional problems caused by economic progress in a particular society is accompanied by lack of knowledge about nutrition, a balanced diet and health.

Reading the ECG (Electrocardiogram)

How to read an EKG
1. Determine rhythm: Sinus / no
2. Determine the frequency / speed: Normal tachikardi / bradycardia
3. Determine the axis: Normal / RAD / LAD
4. Value of P waves: Normal / no
5. Calculate PR interval: Normal / elongated / shortened

Acute Gastritis and Chronic Disease

Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa found in the form of dispepsi and indigesti.

Gastritis is divided into two:
1. Acute gastritis
It is obvious acute clinical disorder caused by the typical signs and symptoms.

WHO Partograph

Graph of the events during the course of labor by hours
Observations are recorded on partograph

Progress delivery
a. The opening of the cervix
b. Get off the head of abdominal palpation
c. HIS Frequency / 10 minutes Long: at hatching

Definition of Adolescent Reproductive Health

Teenagers are defined as the transition from childhood to adulthood. Teen age limit according to WHO (the UN agency for global health) is 12 to 24 years. However if in the teenage years a person is married, he was classified in the adult or is no longer a teenager. Conversely, if the age is no longer a teenager but still dependent on parents (not independent), then put in groups of adolescents.