18 July 2011

Overcoming Stress In Life

Stress is a state of soul of the most popular in this century.  Stress is not a disease, but if you can not handle it in a certain time, you will be exposed to many health problems.

Previous'll say a few key things that can cause stress in the workplace: The working conditions are always under pressure, lack of clarity given task, a very high demand items, lack of planning work, presence of threats among employees, shouts and curses of the consumer,  coworker who is always annoying, physical discomfort, such as a noisy engine sound, which is less ventilation, at worst, the lack of improvement to overcome the problems above.

Woman With Her Love

Inviting a woman to make love, not an easy job. Therefore, the desire to make love to a man that can arise at any time is not the same as those experienced by women. For sex, women need a proper way. Therefore, men need more time to grab a woman that wanted to have sex. Processes that provoke the desire of women.

What type of Dangerous Drugs

The most dangerous type of drug is a type of narcotic that causes mental addiction as well as organic, such as opium and its derivatives derivation.
The names and types of drugs and dangers include:

Opium is the most dangerous kind of narcotic.  In consumption by directly swallowed or taken with tea, coffee or smoked with tobacco or syisya (cigarette-style Middle East).  Opium poppy is obtained from the fruit trees are immature manner slashed to issue a white sap that lengket.Pada Initially, the consumer of opium will feel fit and able to imagine and speak, but this did not last long.  Soon to be impaired mental state and end up with deep sleep and even coma.

If someone is addicted, then the opium will be part of his life.  His body will not be able to again perform its functions without taking the usual dose of opium.  He will feel tremendous pain if you can not get it.  His health will decrease drastically.  The muscles of the addict will wilt, weakened memory and appetite decreased.  Both eyes had cyanosis and weight continue to shrink.

Fracture, breaking of bones Network Continuity

"Interruption of continuity of bone tissue, joint cartilage, epiphyseal cartilage both total and partial"
The inability of bone to resist the load / pressure (bends, twist and pull).
1. Trauma: Direct and indirect
2. Pathology: tumors, osteoporosis, etc.
3. Degenerative
4. Spontaneous: because the pull of a powerful muscle
5. Stress fatigue: fatigue due to repetitive stress

Osteomyelitis; Disease Infection / Inflammation of The Musculoskeletal System

Osteomyelitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory processes in bone and its supporting structure as a result of pyogenic bacterial infection.

Acute osteomyelitis
1. Haematogenous osteomyelitis - primary infection in the blood or infection from other places through peradarahn blood. At risk in children. The bacteria attacks the blood vessel-rich areas and targentnya end of long bones.