19 October 2010

Definition Epidemiology

1. Origin said:
Epi: on, above, superficial, overwrite
Demo: population, human, people
Ology: the science of learning
2. Epidemiology is the science which studies the things that befall humans.
3. Epidemiology is the science that studies the distribution and frequency of disease in populations and faktor-

Medical Anthropology

Medical anthropology is a discipline that gives attention to aspects of biological and socio-culture of human behavior, especially about the ways of interaction between the two throughout the history of human life, which affect health and disease in humans.

Parasitic Worms Reduce Child Intelligence

Worms is a contagious disease and is often considered a disease or illness grubby lower socioeconomic groups. Disease caused by a humid tropical climate, high population density, poor sanitation, excreta used as fertilizer in the garden, soil conditions, and lack of public knowledge was found to reduce children's intelligence.

Worms Disease

Do you know what percentage of children in Indonesia who became ill worms? Apparently 90% of children in Indonesia suffer from intestinal worms. Worm disease is often considered a trivial disease, however, the impact this disease can be fatal especially if the affected are children who are small and vulnerable to disease.