13 October 2010

Hypothermia and Hyperthermia

Normal temperature in neonates ranges from 360C - 37.50 C in the armpit temperature. Early symptoms of hypothermia when the temperature <360C or both legs and hands felt cold. When the baby's entire body felt cold, then the baby was already experiencing hypothermia (temperature 320C - <360C).

Called severe hypothermia when the body temperature <320C. To measure the body temperature thermometer measures needed on hypothermia low (low reading thermometer) to 250C. Besides as a symptom, hypothermia can be an early disease ended in death.

The principle difficulty as a result of hypothermia is the increased consumption of oxygen (hypoxia occurs), the occurrence of metabolic acidosis as a consequence of anaerobic glycolysis, and decreased glycogen deposits with resultant hypoglycemia. The loss of calories seems to weight loss that can be overcome by increasing the intake of calories.

Etiology and precipitation factors - Prematurity - Asphyxia - Sepsis - Neurologic conditions such as meningitis and cerebral hemorrhage - Inadequate drying after birth - Exposure to cold ambient temperatures

Treatment of hypothermia is intended to:
1) Preventing hypothermia,
2) Know the baby with hypothermia,
3) Know the risk of hypothermia,
4) Action on hypothermia.

Clinical signs of hypothermia:
a. Hypothermia are: - Cold Feet palpable - The ability to suck weak - Tears of weak - Skin color is uneven or kutis marmorata
b. Severe hypothermia - Same with hypothermia were - Respiratory slow irregular - The sound of slow heart - It may arise hypoglycemia and metabolic asidosisi
c. Advanced stages of hypothermia - Front, toe and hand bright red - The other body pale - The skin hardens, red and edema occur mainly on the back, legs and hands (sklerema) HYPERTHERMIA

Environment that is too hot too dangerous for babies. This situation occurs when a baby is placed near heat sources, indoor air is hot, too many clothes and blankets. Symptoms of hyperthermia in the newborn: - The baby's body temperature> 37.5 C
- Frequency of breath baby> 60 x / min
- Signs of dehydration are weight loss, lack of skin turgor, decreased amount of urine

Assessment of hypothermia hyperthermia &
1. History of pregnancy
- Difficulties with the trauma of infant birth
- Drug abuse
- The use of anesthesia or analgesia in the mother

2. Status of infants at birth
- Prematurity
- A low Apgar score
- Asphyxia by rescucitasi
- CNS disorders or damage
- The body temperature below 36.5 C or above 37.5 C
- Fever in the precipitate maternal neonatal sepsis

3. Cardiovascular
- Bradycardia
- Tachycardia in hyperthermia

4. Gastrointestinal
- Poor food intake
- Vomiting or abdominal distension
- Losing weight means

5. Integumentary
- CNS central or pallor (hypothermia)
- Skin redness (hyperthermia)
- Edema of the face, shoulder and arm
- Cold in the chest and extremities (hypothermia)
- Perspiration (hyperthermia)

6. Neorologic
- Tears of the weak
- Decrease in reflexes and activities
- Fluctuations in temperature above or below the normal limits according to age and body weight

7. Pulmonary
- Nasal flaring or decreased breath, iregguler
- Chest retraction
- Ekspirasi grunting
- Episodes of apnea or Tachypnoea (hyperthermia)

8. Renal
- Oliguria

9. Diagnostic Study
- Levels of serum glucose, to identify resulting decrease in energy used for the response to cold or heat
- Blood gas analysis, to determine karbondoksida increase and decrease oxygen levels, indicating the risk of acidosis
- Levels of Blood Urea Nitrogen, an increase indicates impaired kidney function and potensila oliguric
- Study of electrolytes, to identify the increase in potassium is associated with impaired kidney function
- Culture of body fluids, to identify any infection

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