Peplau Theory
Model concepts and nursing theory described by Peplau describes the
ability to understand ourselves and others who use the basic human
relationships which includes four central components of the client,
nurse, anxiety problems that occur due to illness (the source of
difficulty), and interpersonal processes.
System of a growing consists of the characteristics of biochemical,
physiological, interpersonal and needs and always strives to meet its
needs and integrate the learning experience. The client is a subject
that directly affected by the presence of interpersonal process.
Nurses role set goals and processes of interpersonal interaction with
the patient participatory, while the patient control the content of
which is the goal. This means that in conjunction with patients, nurses
act as partners, educators, speakers, substitute caregiver, leader and
counselor in accordance with the phases of interpersonal process.
Education or maturation goal is to enhance the progressive movement and
personality of a person in creating, developing, producing personal and
communal way of life.
The nurse has 6 roles as follows:
1. Partners, share a respect and a positive interest in patients.
Nurses deal with clients like guests who were introduced to new
situations. As partners, PK Relationships are relationships that require
a harmonic kerha same on the basis of partnership that needs to be
fostered mutual trust, mutual love and respect
2. Resource persons to provide specific answers to questions about
the broader problem and subsequently lead to problem areas that need
assistance. nurses able to provide accurate, clear and rational to the
client in a friendly and intimate atmosphere.
3. Educator is a combination of all the other roles. Nurses should
seek to provide education, training, and guidance on client / family
health problems, especially in megatasi.
4. Leadership to develop a democratic relationship that stimulate
individuals to participate. Nurses must be able to lead the client /
family to solve health problems through a process of cooperation and
active participation of the client.
5. Substitute caregiver to help individuals learn about the
uniqueness of each human being that can overcome interpersonal
conflicts. Nurses are a trusted individual clients to act as parents,
community leaders or clergy to help meet their needs
6. Counselors enhance the experience of individuals towards a healthy
condition that is life in a creative, constructive and productive.
Nurses must be able to provide guidance to the client's problems so that
solving the problem would be easy to do.
Source of trouble
Severe anxiety caused by interpersonal experience difficulty integrating
past with present anxiety occurs when communication with others
threaten the security of individual psychological and biological. In the
model peplau anxiety is a concept that is important because it relates
directly to the pain condition. Of illness is usually increased levels
of anxiety. Therefore, nurses must now assess the client's anxiety
level. Reduced anxiety showed that the condition of the client is
getting better.
Interpersonal Processes
In science communication, interpersonal process is defined as the
simultaneous interaction with others and mutual influence upon one
another, usually with the aim to foster a relationship. In this context,
the interpersonal process between nurse and client referred to
illustrate methods of energy or anxiety transpormasi clients by nurses
consisted of 4 phases namely
1. Phase orientation
More focused on helping patients realize the availability of relief and
confidence on the ability of nurses to participate effectively in the
provision of askep on the client. This stage is marked where nurses
perform initial contract to build trust and place the data collection.
2. Phase identification
Occurs when the nurse facilitates the expression behavior of patients
and provide nursing care that allows nurses without self denial illness
experience as an opportunity to re-orient and strengthen the sense of a
positive and patient personality. Response of patients in the phase
identification can be:
1. Pasrtisipan independent in relation to nurse
2. Separate independent individuals from nurses
3. Individuals who are helpless and dependent on caregivers.
3. Exploration phase
Allows a situation where the patient can feel the value of relationships
based on the views / perceptions of the situation. This phase is the
core of interpersonal relationships in the process. In this phase,
nurses assist clients in providing a picture of clients and all aspects
4. Phase resolution
Patient gradually break away from the nurses. This resolution allows the
strengthening of the ability to meet its own needs and channel the
energy towards the realization of potential.
The fourth phase is a set of guiding the development process in which
nurses of patients from a high sense of dependence into a mutually
dependent interaction in social environments. This means that a nurse
trying to promote independence of patients.
This exposure shows that the theory of Hildegard E. Peplau (1952)
focuses on the individual, nurses and interactive process that produces
the relationship between nurse and client. Based on this theory to the
needs of individual clients are feeling, and nursing is the
interpersonal and therapeutic processes. That is a result of the process
of human cooperation with other human beings in order to be healthy or
stay healthy (human relations). The purpose of nursing is to educate
clients and families and to help clients achieve maturity of personality
development. Therefore, nurses and nurses working to develop client
relationships through role was adopting (a resource, counselor, and
The framework for the practice of Peplau theory explains that nursing
is an important process, therapeutic, and interpersonal. Nursing
participates in formulating the structure of health care systems to
facilitate the natural condition of the human tendency to develop
interpersonal relationships.
Peplau Theory Implementation
At first, Peplau developed his theory as a form of concern over the
practice of nursing Custodial Care ", so as a nurse the soul, through
his writings he later publish his theory of interpersonal relationships
in nursing.
Where in providing nursing care that is focused on therapeutic treatments.
The applications that we can see clearly that when clients seek help,
the first nurse to discuss the problem and explain the types of
services available. With the development of relationships between nurses
and clients jointly define the problems and possible settlement of the
problem. From this relationship clients benefit by utilizing the
services available to meet their needs and nurses assist clients in
reducing anxiety associated with his health.
Peplau theory is a theory of the unique collaboration of nurse client
relationships form a "maturing force" through interpersonal ties are
effective in helping meet the needs of clients. When basic needs have
been addressed, new needs may arise. Nurse client interpersonal
relationship is described as the phases that overlap like the following
orientation, identification, explanation and resolution.
Theory and ideas Peplau developed to provide the form the soul of
nursing practice. Nursing research on anxiety, empathy, behavioral
instruments, and instruments to evaluate verbal responses generated from
the conceptual model of Peplau.
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