A. Definition
Insert a warm liquid through the anus to the colon using a cannula rekti desenden.
B. Goal
1. Stimulates intestinal peristalsis, so the patient can defecate
2. Emptying the colon in preparation for surgery
3. As measures of treatment
C. Indication
1. Patients who obstipasi
2. patients who will be in operation
3. Preparation of diagnostic measures such as (radiological examination)
4. Patients with melena
D. Preparation
1. Preparation of patients
a. Therapeutic greetings
b. Introduce yourself
c. Explain to the client and family about the procedure and purpose of the actions to be implemented.
d. Explanations are given to understand the client / family
e. During the communication language used is clear, systematic and non-threatening.
f. Clients / families are given the opportunity to ask for clarification
g. Privacy respected client during the communication.
h. Show patience, empathy, politeness, and attention and respect for communicating and taking action
i. Making the contract (time, place and actions to be taken)
j. Patients put in a position to sleep on your left (the position of the sim)
2. Preparation tool
a. Clean gloves
b. Bath blanket or cloth cover
c. Perlak and buttocks pengalas
d. Irigator complete with canule recti, hoses and klemnya
e. Warm fluids as needed (eg fluid Nacl, soapy water, plain water)
f. Crooked
g. Lubricant (Vaseline, sylokain, Jelly 2% / water-soluble lubricant
h. Hanger pole irigator
i. If necessary provide a chamber pot, water purifier and cotton cebok / toilet tissue
E. Procedure
1. Door closed / pair sampiran
2. Washing hands
3. Nurses standing on the right clients and pairs of gloves
4. Put Perlak and pengalas
5. Put a blanket bath while the bottom of the client's clothing discarded
6. Set the client's position left sim
7. Connect the rubber hose and clamp (closed) with irigator
8. Contents irigator with a liquid that has been provided
9. Hanging irigator with a height of 40-50 cm from the client's buttocks
10. Remove air from the hose to drain fluid into the twisted
11. Put kanule rekti and spread with jelly
12. Enter kanule into the anus, the clamp is opened, enter the liquid slowly
13. If fluid runs out, hose clamps and pull the cannula and insert into the bent
14. Set back the position of the client and ask the client to hold a minute
15. Help the client to the toilet if able, if not fixed in a slanting position and replace the chamber pot dibokong clients.
16. Client dirapihkan
17. Tools trimmed back
18. Washing hands
19. Implement documentation:
a. Record actions taken and results and client response to the client record sheet
b. Record the date and hour of taking action and the name of the nurse who did and signature / initials on the client record sheet
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