28 October 2010

Balanced Nutrition For Pregnant Woman

NEEDS nutrients increased during PREGNANT. However, not all nutrient requirements increase proportionately. Example: nutritional needs during pregnancy triples, while demand increased by 10% Vitamin B12

1. ACTUAL needs during pregnancy vary among individuals and is influenced by previous nutritional status and health history, including chronic disease, twin pregnancies and spacing pregnancies meeting
2. The need for a single nutrient can be disturbed by other foods. For example: mothers who do not meet caloric needs will require a larger amount of protein
3. The nutritional requirements is not constant over the course of pregnancy. Nutrient needs little change during TRIMESTER 1 and at most during TRIMESTER 3


1. Maintaining the health of mother during pregnancy and childbirth
2. Meet the nutritional needs of mother and fetus
3. Preparing for your baby's nutritional reserves some time after birth
4. Preparations for the production of BMS

1. Eating and drinking = when not pregnant
2. Many eat food sources of iron, for example: tempeh, tofu, liver, beans, meat, fish
3. Many eat food sources of calcium, for example: spinach, katuk leaves, cassava leaves, milk, cheese
4. When appetite is reduced, the consumption of fresh foods, for example: fruit, fruit juice, vegetable clear
5. Small portions but frequently
6. Avoiding foods that stimulate, for example: smoking, alcohol, durian, meat goat
7. Using iodized salt, iron tablets 1 point / day for 90 days

CALORIE needs increased with the addition of ± 285 calories / day or 14% from before pregnancy because of increased basal metabolic rate and the addition of Weight Loss.
Energy used for:
1. Concept
2. Metabolism
3. Increased oxygen consumption

The addition of 12 grams / day or 1.3 g / kg = Weight Loss / day or 12% of their pre-pregnancy = high biological value
Protein is used to:
1. Fetal Growth
2. Activities of estrogen and progesterone
3. Addition of blood volume, plasma proteins, amniotic fluid
4. Uterus and breast enlargement

Addition of 200-300% from pre-pregnancy
Fe is used for:
1. For fetal growth
2. The formation of red blood cells and placental
3. Inventories Fe childbirth
Examples: animal, milk, green vegetables, nuts

Folic Acid
The addition of ± 10% or 2x of prior pregnant
As. Folate is used to:
1. Red blood cell maturation
2. Cell growth
3. DNA Synthesis

Women who consume adequate amount of folic acid before conception and during early pregnancy reduce the risk of a baby with a neural tubal defects (eg: Spina bifida, anensefali). Foods rich in natural form of folic acid: orange juice, leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus

3 mg / day
Vit. B12 is used for:
1. Prevent the occurrence of anemia and premature babies
2. Fetal Growth
3. Saving mothers

5-10 mg / hr
Together with Ca and P, Vit. D
used to:
1. Formation of fetal bones and teeth pd
2. Increased metabolism Examples: milk

200 mg / day
Iodine is used to:
1. Increased production of the hormone thyroxine
2. Increased metabolism

Addition ± 400 mg / day
Calcium is used for:
1. The growth of bone and teeth
2. Regulate cell function and hormones, eg milk, fish, cheese, shrimp, Ca supplement

If adequate calcium intake before pregnancy, the amount consumed do not need to rise. However, 1300 mg / day of calcium is recommended for TEENS PREGNANT. Mothers who do not consume enough calcium from foods require CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTS

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