12 October 2010

Concept Of Health-Illness


In the past, most individuals and society looked healthy and sick as anything Black or White. Where health is a condition the opposite of the disease or condition that is free of disease. Simple assumption or attitude can certainly be applied easily, but ignore the existence of a range of healthy-sick.
The approach used in the 21st century, healthy viewed with a broader perspective. The wide aspect includes the sense of having power, relationships of affection, the spirit of life, strong social support network, a sense of meaning in life, or a certain degree of independence (Haber, 1994).

Health is a state that is not only free of disease but also covers all aspects of human life that includes aspects of physical, emotional, social and spiritual.
According to WHO (1947) Healthy itself can mean that a state of complete physical, mental and social well not only free of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1947).

WHO definition of health mempunyui following characteristics that can enhance the healthy concept of po ¬ sitif (Edelman and Mandle. 1994):
1. Taking into account the individual as a comprehensive system.
2. Looked healthy with ¬ ling identify internal and external environment.
3. Appreciation of the importance of the role of individuals in life.

Law No.23, 1992 on Health states that: Health is a prosperous state of body, soul and social life that enable socially and economically productive. In this sense, the health should be viewed as one unified whole composed of elements of physical, mental and social and mental health in it is an integral part of health.
In the broadest sense of sound is a dynamic situation in which individuals adapt to environmental changes in the internal (psychological, intelektual, spiritual and disease) and external (physical environment, social, and economic) in maintaining health.

1. Healthy Range Model-Pain (Neuman)
According to Neuman (1990): "Healthy in a span of a client's welfare level at a certain time, that there is in the range, and prosperous conditions are optimal, with the maximum possible energy, to the condition that signifies endless death total energy"
So according to this model of health is a dynamic situation that changes continuously in accordance with individual adaptation to various changes in internal and external environment to maintain their physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental, and spiritual health.
While pain is a process in which individuals function in one or more dimensions that have experienced a change or a decrease when compared to the previous individual.
Because healthy and sick are relative and have quality levels that would be more accurate if determined seseuai specific points on a scale of Healthy Ranges-Pain.
With this model can determine the level of health care clients in accordance with a range of healthy-sick. So that is a risk factor for clients is an important factor to consider in identifying the level of client health. The risk factors include genetic and psychological variables.
The drawback of this model is the difficulty of determining the level of client health in accordance with certain points that exist between the two extremes of that range (Welfare Summit - Death). For example: if a person who suffered fractured leg but he was able to adapt with limited mobility, are considered less healthy or more healthy than people who have a physically healthy but severely depressed after the death of his partner.
This model is effective when used to compare the current level of welfare to the level of previous health. So beneficial to nurses in determining the level of achievement goals to better health in the future.

2. Welfare Model High Level (Dunn)
The model developed by Dunn (1977) is oriented in a healthy way of maximizing the potential in individuals through changes in behavior.
In this model pendekatn intervnsi nurses perform nursing that can help clients to change certain behaviors that contain a high risk to health
This model was successfully applied to elderly care, and also used in family or community nursing.
3. Model Agent-host-environment (Leavell at all.)
According to this model approach the level of healthy and sick individuals or groups determined by the dynamic relationship between agent, host, and the Environment
Agent: Various internal-external factors with or without them can cause disease or illness. This agent can be biological, chemical, physical, mechanical, or psychosocial.
à so this agent may be adverse health (bacteria, stress) or that improve health (nutrition, etc.).
Host: Someone or a group of people who are vulnerable to disease / illness specific.
Host factors, among others: the situation or physical condition and psikososoial that cause a person at risk of becoming ill.
For example: family history, age, lifestyle etc..
Environment: all factors that exist outside the host.
• Physical environment: economic level, climate, living conditions, lighting, noise
• The social environment: Matters relating to social interaction, misalnys: stress, conflict, economic hardship, a crisis of life.
This model states that health and illness are determined by the dynamic interaction of these three variables. According to Berne et al (1990) response to improve health or be harmful to your health comes from the interaction between a person or group of people with their environment.
In addition to the community nursing model is also developed in a general theory about the causes of disease.

4. Health Belief Model-
Health Belief Model-by Rosenstoch (1974) and Becker and Maiman (1975) states the relationship between a person's beliefs to the behavior displayed.
This model provides a way how the client will behave in relation to their health and how they comply with medical therapy is given.
There are three components of the model-Health Beliefs among others:
a. Individual perceptions about susceptibility to a disease itself.
For example: a client needs to recognize the presence of coronary pernyakit through family history, let alone then there is his family who died, the client may feel the risk of heart disease.
b. Individual Perceptions of the seriousness of a particular disease.
Influenced by demographic variables and sosiopsikologis, feeling threatened by the disease, the recommendation for action (eg mass media campaigns, family or doctor's advice, etc.)
c. Individual Perceptions of the benefits derived from the action taken.
Someone may take preventive action, by changing lifestyles, improve adherence to medical therapy, or seek medical treatment.

5. This model helps nurses understand the various factors that can influence perceptions, beliefs, and behavior of clients, and to help nurses make the most effective treatment plan to help clients, maintaining and-Health Improvement Model (Pender)
Presented by Pender (1982,1993,1996) made to become a model that balances with the model of health protection.
The focus of this model is to explain the reason for the client's involvement in health activities (cognitive-perceptual and factor modifier).
terjadiny restore health and prevent disease.
Based on the picture above this model can:
o Identify various factors (demographic, social) that can increase or decrease partisifasi to improve health.
Set the various signal into a pattern to explain the possible emergence of partsisipasi clients in improving health behaviors

Pain is a state where the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental, or diminished or impaired person, not just the state of occurrence of the disease process. Therefore, pain is not the same disease. For example a client with leukemia who are undergoing treatment may be able to function as usual, while other clients with breast cancer who are preparing for surgery menjalanaio may feel as a result in another dimension, in addition to the physical dimension. The behavior is the behavior of sick people sick, including: how someone monitor his body; define and interpret the symptoms experienced; conduct relief efforts, and use of health care systems. An individual who thinks he is sick sick behavior can serve as a coping mechanism.

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