Blood> left ventricle> aorta branches dngn> throughout the body to maintain & feed the tissue cells. Blood fluid through capillary walls in and wet the tissue cells = Fluid Between Tues The fluid between cells have been used up a lot of the remnants of metabolism in the transport through the blood vessel system, the rest are transported by the circulatory system of a certain = lymph circulatory system, the fluid in the transport = Lymph Fluid.
Sisitem lymph circulation =
1. lymphatic capillaries,
2. lymph vessels
3. limfo nodi
4. Duct lymph (two large lymphatic channel) = (1. Duct Torasikus 45cm 2. Right lymph duct 1cm)
Lumps lymph nodes = LIMFO NODI
1. Creating lymphocyte cells
2. Filtering and kill the germs in the presence of lymphocyte cells
3. Make some kind of antibody and antitoxin to fight infection.
Lymph Glands (LIEN), useless
- Make cells lymphocytes
- The fetus makes erythrocyte cells
- As a storage shed blood
- The destroyer of erythrocyte cells and platelets, which are old & not used anymore
- Helps kill certain germs
- Helping to make antibodies.
Point in the lymph circulatory system:
1. prevent stacking of excess fluid between cells in tissues
2. filter out and kill the germs through limfo nodi
3. create a new lymphocyte cells
4. sari-sari absorb food, especially fat through the lymph vessels around the intestine.
The mechanism of the flow of lymph fluid
because of the suction power and energy thrust. Lymph fluid - two large veins near the heart - vena cava - right atrium. With this in latasi porch then arises of suction pressure. With the contraction of muscles around the veins and arteries occurs limpe power thrust.
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