18 October 2010

High Blood Disease or Hypertension

"Beware of High Blood Diseases In The you without your awareness, recognize the symptoms and causes as early as possible!". High Blood disease or hypertension, is one of the most devastating killer disease in the world today.

Age is one risk factor for hypertension. More often found that people with high blood pressure or hypertension in old age. Blood pressure is showing the state where the pressure imposed by blood in the arteries when blood is pumped by the heart to all members of the body. Blood pressure can be seen by taking two sizes and are usually indicated by numbers such as 120/80 mmHg. Figures 120 shows the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts. Called systolic pressure. Figures 80 shows the pressure when the heart is relaxing. Called diastolic pressure. The best attitude to measure blood pressure is in a state of sitting or lying down.

High blood pressure (hypertension) causes an increased risk for stroke, heart failure, heart attack and kidney damage. Without looking at age or gender, everyone can get heart disease and usually without any previous symptoms. Blood pressure in one's life varies naturally infants and children normally have a blood pressure is much lower than the adult. Blood pressure is also influenced by physical activity, which will be higher at the time and activity is lower when resting. Blood pressure also differs in one day, the highest in the morning and lowest during sleep at night.

Symptoms of High Blood Diseases (Hypertension)

Hypertension is difficult to recognize by someone because hypertension has no specific symptoms. The symptoms are easily observed, among others, namely:

1. Mild symptoms such as dizziness or headaches

2. Often agitated

3. Red face

4. Sore neck

5. Irritable

6. Ear buzzing

7. It is hard to sleep

8. Blown

9. Sense of weight in the nape

10. Easily tired

11. The eyes see stars

12. Nosebleed (nosebleed)

Hypertension can be identified by measuring blood pressure regularly. Patients with hypertension, if not handled properly, will have a big risk to die from cardiovascular complications like stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and kidney failure, the target of damage caused by hypertension, among others:

- Brain: causes stroke

- Eyes: causes hypertension and retinopathy can cause blindness

- Heart: cause of coronary heart disease (including myocardial sac), heart failure

- Kidney: cause of chronic kidney disease, terminal renal failure

Causes of High Blood Disease or Hypertension.

The cause of hypertension is often referred to as one of the degenerative disease. Generally, people with hypertension do not know him before his blood pressure checked. This disease is also known to affect anyone of various age groups and socio-economic groups. However, more common in the elderly which is one risk factor.

Risk factor for hypertension, are among others:

* Stress.

* Factors Heredity (Genetics).

* Age.

* Intake of Salt.

* A less healthy lifestyle.

With increasing age, the likelihood of someone suffering from hypertension are also getting bigger. Influence of age on the occurrence of stress often occur as well. Many found the retirees who've never worked longer face extreme environmental changes. Faced with conditions at home that no activity and is positioned as being no longer able to perform some job stress raises.

There is an increasing body fluid volume and blood pressure which will be followed by increased spending excess salt substance that back in normal circumstances. In essential hypertension, this condition is disturbed. Diet and activity in an unbalanced also have contributed a great cause of hypertension. Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and lack of exercise can also affect blood pressure elevation.

Overweight let alone obese patients will experience higher blood pressure compared with those with normal weight. Increased blood pressure is found throughout the day, including at night. Moreover, added, blood pressure during the night as high as in the daytime in those who have excess weight to overweight. Supposedly, at night, decreased blood pressure, blood bilatekanan remain high, this condition can cause interference with the heart.

Hypertension can be classified into two broad categories, namely primary and secondary. Primary Hypertension Hypertension means that the cause is not known clearly. The second class is the cause of hypertension semunder be said to have been uncertain, for example, kidneys are not functioning, use of oral contraceptives, and disruption of hormonal balance which is a factor regulating blood pressure.

Combating High Blood Diseases

The dominant factors that cause hypertension are diet and body activity. As a result of two things with age increase the risk of disease emergence. Control of hypertension, among others, namely:

1. Diets low in salt, cholesterol, and saturated fat. Reduce intake of salt into the body. Should pay attention to the eating habits of people with hypertension. Reducing salt intake will dramatically difficult to implement, so it should be gradual and not used as a single treatment.

2. Behenti smoking and alcohol

3. Regular physical exercise

4. Avoid stress. Create an atmosphere of calm and relaxation-relaxation routine to do every day. It is important to give the effect of tranquility that can control the nervous system so it can lower blood pressure.

5. Fix a less healthy lifestyle. It is important to do sports such as aerobics or brisk walking about 30 minutes several times a week.

Diet Prevent High Blood Diseases

One of the main causes of hypertension is asteroklerosis. This condition is caused by excess fat consumption. Therefore, to prevent the onset of hypertension is to reduce the consumption of excess fat in addition to the provision of medicines when necessary. Restriction of fat intake should be started early before hypertension appeared, especially in people who have a history of hypertension and on the descent towards the elderly. We recommend starting at the age of 40 years in women to be more cautious in consuming fats because of approaching menopause.

The main principle in making a healthy diet is a balanced nutrition, which consume a balanced variety of foods, namely:

* Sources of carbohydrates: whole grains.

* Sources of protein: fish, poultry, white meat, egg whites, milk / low fat-free.

* The source of vegetable protein: beans and legumes as well as processed products.

* Source of vitamins and minerals: vegetables and fresh fruits.

Healthy diet aims to reduce and maintain ideal weight, so it is recommended to balance calorie intake with total energy needs by limiting consumption of foods containing high calories and / or foods that contain high sugar and fat. In addition, for physical activity sufficient to achieve good physical fitness.

Kesahatan article is taken from a book by Sutanto (Book Title: Beware seven Degenerative Diseases) HOW TO PREVENT AND OVERCOME 7 DAHSYAT MOST KILLER DISEASE: Parkinson CANCER HEART STROKE DIABETES HYPERTENSION OSTEOARTHRITIS

Preventing Always Better than cure ...

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