Do not be fooled that the problem for a woman 's face is a very sensitive issue. Not a few women are willing to pay hundreds of dollars and millions of dollars for facial treatments. But not a few others who experienced the disappointment of beauty products that have been purchased at a great price, it did not deliver results as desired. Want to perform confidently with a face like a princess who is very pretty and graceful not have to spend a lot of money.
27 August 2011
Depresi Selama Kehamilan Dapat Mempengaruhi Bayi
Kehamilan seharusnya menjadi masa yang paling bahagia bagi seorang wanita, tetapi ada sebagian wanita yang malah menganggap kehamilan sebagai masa kebingungan, sengsara, sedih, stres dan depresi. Depresi merupakan gangguan mood yang muncul pada 1 dari 4 wanita yang sedang hamil dan hal ini bukan sesuatu yang istimewa. Penyakit ini selalu melanda mereka yang sedang hamil, tetapi sering dari mereka tidak pernah menyadari depresi ini karena mereka menganggap kejadian ini merupakan hal yang lumrah terjadi pada mereka, padahal jika tidak ditangani dengan baik dapat mempengaruhi bayi yang dikandungnya.
Anatomi Kardiovaskuler
Jantung terletak dalam mediastinum di rongga dada, diantara kedua paru dan bentuknya kerucut, dengan batas-batas sebagai berikut
Basis : 2 cm dari strnum costae ke 3 kanan, 1 cm dari sternum costae ke 2 kiri
Apex : 4 cm dari sternum intercostae ke 5 kiri
Perikardium yang menyelimuti jantung terdiri dari dua lapisan yaitu
1. Perikardium viseral
2. Perikardium parietal
3. Diantara ke 2 lapisan terdapat cairan pelumas
4. Ke bawah berbatasan dengan diafragma
Basis : 2 cm dari strnum costae ke 3 kanan, 1 cm dari sternum costae ke 2 kiri
Apex : 4 cm dari sternum intercostae ke 5 kiri
Perikardium yang menyelimuti jantung terdiri dari dua lapisan yaitu
1. Perikardium viseral
2. Perikardium parietal
3. Diantara ke 2 lapisan terdapat cairan pelumas
4. Ke bawah berbatasan dengan diafragma
To Not Have Disease Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis or bone disease is one disease that afflicts due to reduced bone mass and bone density. As a result of osteoporosis are the bones become brittle and break easily due to reduced bone density. The bone itself is one important part of our body. Bone is the framework that supports our body so we can move. Can be imagined when the supporting body is fragile, porous and break easily, resulting in bone pain, impaired to move even cause paralysis and permanent disability.
26 August 2011
Cerminan Perawat Profesional
Cerminan nilai professional perawat dalam praktik keperawatan dikelompokkan dalam nilai intelektual dan nilai komitmen moral interpersonal, sebagai berikut :
Nilai intelektual
Nilai intelektual dalam praktik keperawatan terdiri dari
a. Body of Knowledge
b. Pendidikan spesialisasi (berkelanjutan)
c. Menggunakan pengetahuan dalam berpikir secara kritis dan kreatif.
Nilai intelektual
Nilai intelektual dalam praktik keperawatan terdiri dari
a. Body of Knowledge
b. Pendidikan spesialisasi (berkelanjutan)
c. Menggunakan pengetahuan dalam berpikir secara kritis dan kreatif.
Antiseptik Dan Desinfektan
Orang kadang salah kaprah menyamakan antiseptik dan disinfektan. Memang meski keduanya bisa membasmi mikroorganisme tapi sebenarnya keduanya dipakai untuk hal berbeda.Persamaannya, kedua zat kimia ini bisa membunuh bakteri yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit dan infeksi. Tapi intinya antiseptik digunakan untuk menyingkirkan kuman di kulit yang hidup, sedangkan disinfektan menyingkirkan kuman di benda yang mati. Tapi disinfektan kadang digunakan juga sebagai antiseptik untuk manusia asalkan dosisnya tepat karena kalau dosisnya terlalu tinggi bisa membuat keracunan hingga kematian.
Anemia Oleh Kurangnya Zat Fe
Anemia yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya zat Fe sebagai bahan yang diperlukan untuk pematangan eritrosit. Jumlah besi pada bayi 400 mg ( dewasa 4 – 5 gram ) = 60 % massa eritrosit.
1. 0 – 3 bulan : kebutuhan Fe dari luar sedikit
2. > 6 bulan : Fe dari makanan = pertumbuhan meningkat
3. 6 – 12 bulan : 9 mg/ hari
4. > 1 tahun : kebutuhan menurun karena pertumbuhan lambat
Absorbsi besi
1. Tife Fe dalam makanan
2. Tife haem ( daging sapi, ayam, ikan ) dan bioavailabilitas lebih tinggi
3. Tipe non- haem ( produk hewani dan tumbuhan misalnya beras, buah, susu, keju )
1. 0 – 3 bulan : kebutuhan Fe dari luar sedikit
2. > 6 bulan : Fe dari makanan = pertumbuhan meningkat
3. 6 – 12 bulan : 9 mg/ hari
4. > 1 tahun : kebutuhan menurun karena pertumbuhan lambat
Absorbsi besi
1. Tife Fe dalam makanan
2. Tife haem ( daging sapi, ayam, ikan ) dan bioavailabilitas lebih tinggi
3. Tipe non- haem ( produk hewani dan tumbuhan misalnya beras, buah, susu, keju )
Ancaman plastic Untuk Kesehatan
Khususnya pada saat plastik buat bungkus makanan yang panas karena kandungan yang ada didalamnya mengandung pemklastism diok tilfalat atau DOP (bersifat toksisitas berdasarkan uji karsinogenik) yang kabarnya berasal dari minyak bumi yang sangat berbahaya. Pemlastis DOP yang dipanaskan pada media minyak, dapat menyebabkan kontaminasi yang tinggi.
Alergi Udara Sangat Dingin
Jika tubuh terlalu lama terpapar udara dingin, Anda memang lebih mudah terserang flu. Parahnya, bagi penderita alergi, di kala udara berada pada temperatur rendah, munculnya flu dapat berbarengan dengan gejala alergi. Udara di hawa dingin terlalu lama, dan tanpa ‘dibentengi’ baju hangat, memang dapat memicu alergi dingin. Gejala awal, udara dingin menyerang daya tahan tubuh, yang menstimulasi produksi lendir di saluran pernapasan. Selanjutnya, udara dingin bisa menyerang jaringan di bagian hidung. Saluran di jaringan hidung pun melebar. Akibatnya, jaringan dalam hidung pun membengkak, yang membuat hidung tersumbat.
Alat Pelindung Diri
Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) adalah kelengkapan yang wajib digunakan saat bekerja sesuai bahaya dan resiko kerja untuk menjaga keselamatan pekerja itu sendiri dan orang di sekelilingnya. Kewajiban itu sudah disepakati oleh pemerintah melalui Departement Tenaga Kerja.
Adapun bentuk dari alat tersebut adalah :
Safety Helmet, Berfungsi sebagai pelindung kepala dari benda yang bisa mengenai kepala secara langsung.
Adapun bentuk dari alat tersebut adalah :
Safety Helmet, Berfungsi sebagai pelindung kepala dari benda yang bisa mengenai kepala secara langsung.
27 July 2011
In need Skin Nutrients
If you want to have a healthy and beautiful skin, you must be
diligent care. In addition to care from outside, from within any
treatment you need to do.
You do this by eating foods that contain substances listed below:
1. Vitamin E: to maintain healthy skin and prevent cell damage.
2. Beta carotene ( vitamin A core ): to treat dry skin, prevent wrinkles, also for blood circulation which makes the skin glow.
You do this by eating foods that contain substances listed below:
1. Vitamin E: to maintain healthy skin and prevent cell damage.
2. Beta carotene ( vitamin A core ): to treat dry skin, prevent wrinkles, also for blood circulation which makes the skin glow.
Anemia Nutrition And Non-Nutritional Anemia
Anemia is known to the public as less blood disease. The disease is
experienced by vulnerable children, pregnant women, women, and workers
in general. There are two types of anemia that are known so far that is
nutritional anemia and non-nutrition. Anemia is a state of nutritional
anemia due to lack of nutrients necessary for the formation and the
production of red blood cells, both quality and quantity.
Fertile Period and Ovulation Signs of Imminent
Knowing when the fertile period are considered important for women who
are trying to conceive. There are several ways you can do for women to
know when the fertile period. Pregnancy can happen when a mature egg
cell is fertilized by sperm and successfully implanted in the womb.
There are various ways you can do to predict a woman’s fertile period.
The best way is to give more attention to the body and recognize the
signs that ovulation is imminent.
Extracellular Bacterial Infections
Extracellular bacteria are bacteria that can replicate outside of the
cell, in circulation, the extracellular connective tissue, and in
various tissues. Various types of bacteria including bacterial
extracellular group mentioned in the previous chapter. Extracellular
bacteria are usually easily destroyed by phagocytic cells. In certain
circumstances extracellular bacteria can not be destroyed by phagocytic
cells because of the capsule synthesis antifagosit, namely outer capsule
(outer capsule) which resulted in a bad adhesion between phagocytic
cells with bacteria, such as bacterial infection of Streptococcus
pneumoniae capsule or Haemophylus influenzae.
23 July 2011
Dangers of Energy Drinks
Fans of energy drinks have to be careful. Although very popular,
people should pay attention to the content of one bottle drink it
because it turned out to contain more caffeine than a cup of coffee. The
combination of caffeine with other ingredients potentially a risk, such
as energy drinks containing alcohol. Energy drinks can contain up to a
quarter cup of sugar and caffeine levels are much higher than a cup of
coffee. Energy drinks are also often do not include other elements in
it, such as the herbal stimulant guarana, taurine amino acids, minerals,
vitamins, and other…medicinal plants, which is likely to interact with caffeine.
How to Increase Height
Eating every day (breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks night). Ensure
every dish is taken is balanced. Take foods that have protein and
carbohydrate at least 2 hours before we do gymnastics improvement body.
Although we do not feel hungry before do physical exercises, we may take
a little food to avoid hunger when do physical exercises. the food
experts have found someone who exercise on an empty stomach will
experience a decline in earnings growth hormone by 54%.
Vacuum, One Help in Childbirth Process
Vacuum was one of relief at the birth process which when cultivated
normal (through the birth canal usual) failed after the trial and the
mother is exhausted and feared the baby over time in the birth canal.
Permanent brain defects described above have anything to do with vacuum
ga. indeed in infants who suffered birth with vacuum will have little
abnormality in head shape is more oval, and even then are usually
temporary and not always so (when the growth and development usually
disappear), the image of babies born with a vacuum could be like this.
Water Circulation Never Stop
Hydrological cycle is the circulation of water that never stops from
the atmosphere to earth and back into the atmosphere through
condensation, precipitation, evaporation and transpiration. Warming
ocean water by sunlight is the key process of the hydrologic cycle can
run continuously. exploration water, then fall as precipitation in the
form of rain, snow, hail, sleet and snow (sleet), light rain or fog. On
the way to earth some precipitation may exploration back up or straight
down which is then intercepted by plants before it reaches the ground.
21 July 2011
By contrast Vertigo dizziness
Vertigo is a spinning sensation that can occur at any time, even though
our bodies are in a state of standing upright. The surroundings seem to
be moving, both vertically and horizontally. Some people feel that they
are actually spinning. Its effects can be mild or even severe that we
can fall to the floor.
Qualified Dream All Men Women
Quality Characteristics of Women that is appropriate for a wife. Perhaps
the following could be considered. Do not look outside, look within
himself, because happiness is in the heart.
1. Gentle
Take a look at how girls talk to her friends. Does he always liked hard-pitched, screaming, or even polite and always gentle in a word? These characteristics reflect the way in which the girls will talk to you and your family later.
1. Gentle
Take a look at how girls talk to her friends. Does he always liked hard-pitched, screaming, or even polite and always gentle in a word? These characteristics reflect the way in which the girls will talk to you and your family later.
Narcotics Analgesics And Antagonists
Narcotic analgesics (opioid analgesics)
Is a substance that works against the typical opioid receptors in the CNS, so the pain and emotional responses to pain can be reduced. The body can synthesize substances opioid own Namely: endorphins, substances that work through opioid receptors. Endorphin is an endogenous polypeptide Group contained in CCS (cerebro spinal fluid) and can cause effects that resemble the effects of morphine.
Is a substance that works against the typical opioid receptors in the CNS, so the pain and emotional responses to pain can be reduced. The body can synthesize substances opioid own Namely: endorphins, substances that work through opioid receptors. Endorphin is an endogenous polypeptide Group contained in CCS (cerebro spinal fluid) and can cause effects that resemble the effects of morphine.
About Asthma
Asthma is a symptom caused by respiratory disorders in the form of
heightened sensitivity to stimuli from the environment as a trigger. The
trigger symptoms may include fatigue of the mind (emotional distress),
physical fatigue, changes in the environment which is not expected
(weather, humidity, temperature, smoke (especially tobacco) and smells
stimulate, respiratory infections, especially of certain influenza
illness, and allergic reaction of the material inhaled or eaten.
The Development of Nursing is Affected by The Development of Nursing Globally
The development of nursing is affected by the development of nursing
globally. Clearly can be observed that the continuous rapid development
of nursing experience, both in education and in the order of nursing
practice. In the past nursing is based more on intuition and tradition
so that nursing is considered only as a troubleshooting without
scientific component and a solid scholarly foundation. An important
component is the development of the discipline of nursing research
nursing, because nursing research is needed to solve the problem of
nursing and to develop or validate the theory that is needed as a
foundation in nursing practice and the development of nursing science
body (Body of Knowledge).
Pharynx and esophagus, Tools Digestion In Humans
Pharynx lies behind the nose, mouth and throat. A channel with a length of about 7 cm.
Pharynx consists of 3 parts, namely:
- Naso pharynx, located behind the nose where there is tubal eustachius, adenoid gland.
- Pharynx oralis, located on the back of the mouth, there Tonil (tonsils)
- Laryngeal pharynx, the lowest part of the pharynx which is located in the larynx.
Pharynx lies behind the nose, mouth and throat. A channel with a length of about 7 cm.
Pharynx consists of 3 parts, namely:
- Naso pharynx, located behind the nose where there is tubal eustachius, adenoid gland.
- Pharynx oralis, located on the back of the mouth, there Tonil (tonsils)
- Laryngeal pharynx, the lowest part of the pharynx which is located in the larynx.
Psychological Science in Nursing, Health Scope
A. Definition
Psychology comes from the Greek word “psyche” which means soul and “logos” which means knowledge. So etymologically means the study of the soul. Who’s soul is the spiritual vitality that is abstract, which is the activator and regulator for all personal actions (personal behavior) of higher animals and humans. The act is to act as a result of personal learning process made possible by the state of physical, spiritual, social, and environmental. The learning process is a process to improve the personality (personality) with the road trying to get a new understanding, new values, and new skills, so that he can do more successful in dealing with the contradictions in life. So, the soul-understanding implies, cultural values, and skills. So psychology is the science which studies all behavior and actions of individuals, in which the individual can not be separated from its environment.
Psychology comes from the Greek word “psyche” which means soul and “logos” which means knowledge. So etymologically means the study of the soul. Who’s soul is the spiritual vitality that is abstract, which is the activator and regulator for all personal actions (personal behavior) of higher animals and humans. The act is to act as a result of personal learning process made possible by the state of physical, spiritual, social, and environmental. The learning process is a process to improve the personality (personality) with the road trying to get a new understanding, new values, and new skills, so that he can do more successful in dealing with the contradictions in life. So, the soul-understanding implies, cultural values, and skills. So psychology is the science which studies all behavior and actions of individuals, in which the individual can not be separated from its environment.
Be careful ..! Dangers of Television for Your Child
It is inevitable that television provides an enormous influence on the
development of the child. If a positive influence certainly will not
cause problems. The worry most of the parents today is the negative
effect. Moreover, today many couples who are all working spouses and
children at home oversight conducted by the housemaid.
Introduction to Nursing
Care comes from the Latin Nutrix (Caring or keeping)
Ellis Hartley 1984: nurse is someone who plays a role in caring for or maintain, assist and protect a person due to illness injury and the aging process.
Hamid AY 1996: Professional is a work devoted to the interests of society and not for the benefit of a particular class or group.
Ellis Hartley 1984: nurse is someone who plays a role in caring for or maintain, assist and protect a person due to illness injury and the aging process.
Hamid AY 1996: Professional is a work devoted to the interests of society and not for the benefit of a particular class or group.
20 July 2011
Stomach, Digestion In Human Instrument
Stomach is a big bag located below the last rib side left. Gastric
consist of three parts, namely cardiac (adjacent to the liver)
associated with the esophagus, fundus (middle), and pylorus (directly
related to the small intestine). At the moment there is food close to
the stomach, cardia sphincter muscles work to open the upper stomach so
that food go dn immediately closed again for food did not return to
eofagus. Meanwhile, pilorusberperan sphincter muscle in the process of
food arrangements for out of the stomach and into the intestine of
twelve finger (deudenum)
Disease Stroke; Impaired Brain Function
Stroke disease is a disorder of brain function due to blood flow to the
brain is impaired (reduced). As a result, nutrients and oxygen to the
brain be required not fulfilled properly. Causes of stroke There are 2
kinds, namely the existence of blockages in blood vessels (thrombus),
and the presence of a ruptured blood vessel. Generally a stroke suffered
by the elderly, because of the aging process causes the hardening and
narrowing of blood vessels (arteriosclerosis) and the presence of fats
that clog arteries (atherosclerosis). But several recent cases show an
increase of cases of stroke that occur during adolescence and
childbearing age (15-40 years). In this group, a major cause of stroke
is a stress, drug abuse, alcohol, heredity, and an unhealthy lifestyle.
Healthy skin reflects the healthy condition of the body
Apart from the elements such as stress, hormonal, and free radicals,
ultraviolet light, smoke, pollution, or dust samples outside elements
that affect the health of skin, including the incidence of premature
aging. However, many people do not treat the skin to the maximum, unless
you’ve been injured or damaged.
Varicella, Infectious Disease Virus With Special Preview
Definition, Etiology and Epidemiology
Disease virus infection with a typical illustration of vesicle eruption throughout the body that arise sequentially with a mild general symptoms. Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) = The virus can also cause Herpes Zoster. Very easy to spread, through splashing saliva and contacts. Can about all age groups. Usually for life, varicella only suffered one time.
Disease virus infection with a typical illustration of vesicle eruption throughout the body that arise sequentially with a mild general symptoms. Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) = The virus can also cause Herpes Zoster. Very easy to spread, through splashing saliva and contacts. Can about all age groups. Usually for life, varicella only suffered one time.
Intestine Smooth, Tools Digestion In Humans
Located in the small intestine between the stomach and colon. This is a
long intestinal tract with muscular walls. The walls of the small
intestine consists of three layers, ie tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis,
and tunica serosa. Tunica muscularis is causing geraka bagia small
Simple Tips Overcome Difficult Sleep
Still having trouble sleeping at night? If one is ordinary. Perhaps also
you are experiencing problems. But if you often experience difficulty
sleeping disorder, a new day in the morning can be in falling asleep, do
not for granted because it can develop into Insomnia. If not in the
troubled insomniac, just imagine the consequences. Throughout the day
can be lethargic, sleepy but unable to sleep, difficulty concentrating
and dizziness, which in turn work into a mess.
Benefits when Crying Tears
Tears will flow from the eyes when we cry, or eye irritation when
foreign objects, even tear of everyday function that is more important.
Tear film on the surface of the eye occurs by a blinking eyelid
movement, making the surface of the eye smooth and clear vision. Without
the tear film, it is impossible to have a sharp eyesight.
18 July 2011
Overcoming Stress In Life
Stress is a state of soul of the most popular in this century. Stress is not a disease, but if you can not handle it in a certain time, you will be exposed to many health problems.
Previous'll say a few key things that can cause stress in the workplace: The working conditions are always under pressure, lack of clarity given task, a very high demand items, lack of planning work, presence of threats among employees, shouts and curses of the consumer, coworker who is always annoying, physical discomfort, such as a noisy engine sound, which is less ventilation, at worst, the lack of improvement to overcome the problems above.
Previous'll say a few key things that can cause stress in the workplace: The working conditions are always under pressure, lack of clarity given task, a very high demand items, lack of planning work, presence of threats among employees, shouts and curses of the consumer, coworker who is always annoying, physical discomfort, such as a noisy engine sound, which is less ventilation, at worst, the lack of improvement to overcome the problems above.
Woman With Her Love
Inviting a woman to make love, not an easy job. Therefore, the desire to make love to a man that can arise at any time is not the same as those experienced by women. For sex, women need a proper way. Therefore, men need more time to grab a woman that wanted to have sex. Processes that provoke the desire of women.
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