23 July 2011

The Meaning of Wife Husband Accompany Maternity

For those of you who are awaiting birth of child who was conceived by the wife might want to accompany his wife in the delivery room. But do not get busy even make the delivery process. Naturally, if you feel scared and worried when accompanying his wife giving birth.

For all smooth, the following actions should not be in the delivery room.
1. Feel free to request relatives out of the delivery room when his wife was annoyed. Stay polite but firm action.

2. Do not pass out. You must know the process of giving birth of course there is blood, and you must be ready to see the wife who is in pain when giving birth, especially if the wife gives birth normally. Do not let unconscious, because it would interfere with the delivery process.

3. Do not panic. Stay calm will help you to think clearly when making decisions. Moreover, in times when full of struggle like that, your wife needs strengthening and soothing your.

4. Do not be desperate to see the baby out when it can not stand the sight of blood. Do not until you actually pass out so watching it. But if you feel strong, it’s okay.

5. Do not know nothing about the delivery process. Before you accompany the delivery room, Arm yourself with knowledge about the ins and outs of labor.

6. Do not just watch. Try to learn how to become an effective companion for your wives. Thus, your wife really feel supported and empowered by you.

7. Do not overlook the wife after the baby is born. The birth of a baby is the most eagerly awaited. But do not overlook the wives who have been fighting bear. Give congratulations wife has become a mother.

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