20 July 2011

Varicella, Infectious Disease Virus With Special Preview

Definition, Etiology and Epidemiology
Disease virus infection with a typical illustration of vesicle eruption throughout the body that arise sequentially with a mild general symptoms. Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) = The virus can also cause Herpes Zoster. Very easy to spread, through splashing saliva and contacts. Can about all age groups. Usually for life, varicella only suffered one time.

The incubation period is 11-12 days, 13-17 days can also
Viruses enter the upper respiratory tract lymph nodes = = = primary viremia organs (liver, spleen, and possibly other organs) = secondary viremia = skin
Divided into two stages:
1. Prodromal stage: symptoms of fever, malaise, anorexia 24 hours before the rash appears.
2. Stadium eruption: red papules, small = vesicle containing clear fluid and had erythematous base. Vesicle contents become turbid within 24 hours. Within 3-4 days eruption scattered, usually at first from the chest to the face, shoulders and extremitas. Eruption was accompanied by intense itching.

Diagnosis Criteria
1. Contact
2. Prodromal: mild heat, malaise (weakness) and anorexia
3. Headache
4. Rash 24 hours after symptom prodromal

Physical Examination (PF):
1. Red papules = vesicles (nonumbilicated) = within 24 hours it muddy, easily broken = crusting
2. Vesicles not only in skin but also on oral mucous membranes.
3. Generalized lymphadenopathy if there is secondary infection.
4. Bullous varicella: In children <2 yr

COMPLICATIONS (complications)
1. Secondary bacterial infection (most often), for example: pneumonia
2. Thrombocytopenia = bleeding into the skin / membrane lender / purpura
3. Varicella bullous
4. Laryngitis
5. Myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis
6. Hepatitis
7. Glomerulonephritis
8. Encephalitis
9. Keratitis, conjunctivitis

Preventive Therapy And
1. Symptomatic: Lotion, an antihistamine for itching.
2. Antivirus: Aclovir 30 mg / kg body weight / day was divided into 4 doses for 5 days.

1. Isolation of patients
2. Active vaccination
3. Passive vaccination

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